All posts by joseph

4 Claves para un Embarazo Saludable

Constantemente recibimos preguntas relacionadas a cuidados durante el embarazo, tal como si es seguro ejercitarse, que comidas evitar, etc. Cada embarazo es distinto y es importante discutir estas cuestiones con su médico, pero afortunadamente, el mismo cuerpo se encarga de la mayoría del trabajo. No obstante, hay ciertas cosas que se pueden hacer que harán […]

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Drogas y Embarazo

No es noticia que las “drogas son malas”. Esto ha sido el tema de múltiples campañas educativas durante las últimas décadas. No obstante, a veces hay escasez de información en cuanto al daño que pueden causar estas substancias durante situaciones específicas como lo es el embarazo. Es importante enfatizar que no porque algo sea legal, […]

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¿Cuál es la mejor forma de prevenir Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS)?

La única forma 100% efectiva es abstinencia. En segundo lugar está manteniendo relaciones con una sola pareja. Desafortunadamente, las ETS son muy comunes, y algunas de ellas son muy fáciles de contraer. Utilizar condón es recomendado, ya que ayuda a prevenir ciertas infecciones. No obstante, no protege contra todo. A continuación, una lista de las […]

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What to Expect at Your First OB/GYN Appointment

Your first trip to the Gynecologist isn’t normally what most young women think of as a good time—you don’t expect to leave with a lollipop. The protocol for your first gynecologist is to go for your first visit when you are 18 years old or when you first become sexually active. What most young women […]

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What On Earth is Group B Strep, and Should I Be Tested For It?

Everyone’s heard of strep throat – that awful, contagious, over-the-top sore throat that takes a course of antibiotics to cure, and that can go into rheumatic fever or even kidney disease if left untreated. So if you hear someone mention that they tested positive for Group B strep at their OB/GYN’s office, you may be confused. How are a sore throat and a gynecological condition related?

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5 Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy

With so much information available online these days, it can be easy to overwhelm yourself with conflicting advice on what to do and what not to do when you’re pregnant. At times, it may seem like the majority of the information available is about what not to do when you’re pregnant, making it difficult to […]

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3 Ways for Women to Prioritize Their Health in the New Year

With 2015 quickly approaching, you may have started thinking about your New Year’s resolution. For many people, a new year symbolizes a new start and a chance to improve one or more aspects of their lives. These changes may include prioritizing family over work, saving more money than you spend or making a commitment to […]

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